It's best that you get the fiber you need each day from foods in your diet rather than supplements. Rift Gold Most people need between 20 and 35 grams of fiber each day. Some good fiber-rich food choices are:
Whole-grain breads, cereals, and pastas Fruits and vegetables Brown rice Dried beans Oatmeal Popcorn Getting fiber is great, but don't suddenly jump on the fiber bandwagon and ramp up your intake all at once. Take it slowly, and gradually increase your fiber each day to prevent side effects like diarrhea, abdominal pain, bloating, and gas.
Fiber in the Diet: Smart Choices
Now that you know what foods are fiber-rich and good for you, it's time to start finding ways to work them into your daily meals and snacks. RIFT Platinum Try these tips to get more fiber every day:
Have oatmeal or whole-grain cereal for breakfast; top with some fresh fruit. Eat fruits and veggies raw and with skins for more fiber (if appropriate). rift gold Snack on fruits — dried or fresh is fine. Have bulgur, barley, or couscous as a side dish. Munch on popcorn when you need a snack. Switch to brown rice from white rice. RIFT Platinum Replace white pasta with whole-wheat pasta in your favorite dish. Add vegetables to pastas and other dishes. Get a minimum of 2 cups of fruit and 2.5 cups of veggies every day. Choose those highest in fiber like pears, berries, apples, spinach, sweet potatoes, and peas. Have a bran muffin for breakfast or a snack. Fiber is filling, delicious, and one of the healthiest things you can eat. There are a lot of easy and tasty ways to make fiber a big part of every day, and you'll quickly reap the health benefits. It's a simple way to feel full, be fit, and get your body into a healthy shape.