
Halo 4 is first in the 'Reclaimer Trilogy

343 Industry remained expectedly tight-lipped on Halo 4 details at the Halo 4 panel at PAX this weekend, but did reveal that Halo 4 will be the first game in a so-called 'Reclaimer Trilogy'. Details are scarce, but speaking at the presentation, 343 Industries' Frank O'Connor did reveal: "This trilogy is a direct continuation to the events in Halo 3. It will deal with the fate of John and the fate of Cortana."A 'Reclaimer', according to sites that love Halo more than life, is someone who's in charge of activating a Halo super-weapon. Speculate over that if you will. O'Connor also promised that players are "definitely going to have the opportunity to dive deeper into John's (Master Chief's) mind in this trilogy," hinting at a heavier focus on narrative this time around. 343 released a new Halo 4 video today showing off some of the dark and mysterious concept art work for the new game. Well worth a look. Mike Jackson

League of Legends The Edge of Glory

By Jason Harper (Hhean), OnRPG MOBA ReporterWelcome summoners, to the patch v1.0.0.124 article for League of Legends, the game in which nothing is true, everything is permitted. This patch includes a rework to sustained healing, UI reworks to pave the way for Dominion, and Talon, The Blade’s Shadow.Talon is walking murder. Seeing a Talon means only one thing - He is trying to kill you. Not later, sometime in the future, perhaps. Now. Right the hell now. Defense and utility are for pansies, a Talon player says, as they step over the bloodied remains of their recently departed foes. If you enjoyed playing ultra aggressive characters like Akali, but felt even she wasn’t aggressive enough, then Talon is your man.The trick with Talon is to use as many of his abilities as possible on a single target, as each one causes the following attacks to deal more damage. This can be through the use of Rake [W], a conical skill shot that slows the enemy, and through Cutthroat [E], a targeted blink that increases the damage output of any attacks following it. His passive, Mercy, allows him to deal more damage to targets under the effects of any crowd control except silence or blindness, so Rake’s slow will, in turn, give him yet another damage bonus, in addition to making him harder to escape from. Once he’s got the two damage enhancements on his desired target, you can then immediately finish them with a combination of Noxian Diplomacy [Q], and his ultimate, Shadow Assault [R].The most common combo to achieve single target damage is to tag the enemy with Rake, getting the slow on them, activating Noxian Diplomacy and Shadow Assault before jumping into their face with Cutthroat. This final act will trigger every other secondary effect at once, while hitting them with all of his most damaging abilities at the exact same moment. Depending where you are in a match, this can do anywhere from a third of someone’s health, to bursting them down from full health to nothing.The problem with this method though is that once your initial burst is done, everything you have is now on cooldown, and the enemy is now fully prepared to drive Talon’s head through his knees. If there is anyone around that might help your victim, don’t expect to survive the following encounter. The safer method then is triggering the ultimate late, using the stealth to cover your cooldowns in the same manner as Akali, and maybe make your escape if you need to. This lowers your burst considerably though, and should only be used if enemies have a vested interest in staying in an area, likely due to fighting a teammate, monster or tower, buying you enough time to hammer them with your second round of burst.Rake is going to be the first ability you should pick up, and the first to max out. This will help his damage, help his escape, act as harass and help his farming considerably. It’s the Swiss army knife of knives. Now, level 2 depends on who you’re up against. If you’re against a squishy ranged character, likely a mage, then Cutthroat’s leap and silence combo will help make them fear you, giving you greater control of your lane. If you’re against some burly meat head who wants to get up close and personal, grab Noxian Diplomacy to make them regret it. At level 4, pick up the choice you didn’t go for, rounding out your combo and letting the fun really begin. Once you’re done leveling Rake, Noxian Diplomacy is going to help with his ganking damage, especially once you start getting some attack damage items to back it up, so max this second. Cutthroat will be your final stop.I’ve been struggling with finding a good pick for him in the laning phase. All of his starting items feel sub optimal. The best pick I’ve managed is using the Doran’s Shield, or a cloth and five health potions for enough sustain to keep in a lane. After that, I try to stick around long enough to rush a BF sword or Brutalizer. The latter I only buy if I’m suffering in my lane, the former if things are going well. From there, I get my boots and complete the Bloodthirster, which will both help your farm with Rake, adding just enough to blow up a minion wave in a single use, and also add some beastly damage to Noxian Diplomacy. From there, keep getting damaging stuff (Focusing on AD and Cooldown) until you start being focused in team fights, at which point a defensive item may be in order. Sheen/Triforce works well on him I’m told, but I’ve been refusing to get it simply because the last two characters were Trinity Force users and I can’t stand doing that build yet again.For his Masteries, you could use a 21/0/9 for an all out offensive build. Personally, I’m not very good at the total offense, so I’ve been using a 16/14/0 build on him, using his defenses to make sure he doesn’t explode quite so quickly. For Runes (now stop me if this sounds familiar) I’ve been using armour penetration marks, armour seals, magic resist glyphs and health regeneration quintessences. I’ve been wondering if it’s worth slipping in some attack damage or more armour penetration in there, likely in the quintessences, to make him a little less item reliant for his damage, but that health regeneration is really needed to help his weak early game.I have to confess, I am terrible with this sort of character. I’ve never been a fan of these high risk, high reward types. If you are the sort of person who likes to go all in for every single fight they enter into, then you should find him a pretty good pick, as his burst is pretty insane once he’s got some farm. Farming though can be difficult on him, due to having a weak laning phase against anyone with some sustain. This usually means that his team’s jungler needs to set up a gank for him early to more reliably get the ball rolling, which is usually more co-ordination than is found in most solo queue matches.I’m going to hazard a guess that he’s not going to be seen much in competitive play, given that conservative play is usually rewarded there far more than risk taking. I will say though that he makes a great solo queue pub stomper, as most of these sorts of high damage dealing glass cannons often wind up being. He also might work out to be an excellent Dominion pick, given his need for a lot of gold early in the game, and reliance on kills aren’t a problem in that game type.The sustain changes have been painful for support players. While I fully understand why the nerfs were needed (I think I’ve fallen asleep in bottom a few times), I don’t entirely agree with some of the exact changes. For example, why was the AP ratios on most supports’ heals nerfed? I’ve never seen a single support who stacked AP and was actually effective. Everyone just grabbed gold per 10 items and bought loads of wards. It seems a bit superfluous to target a nerf at something that no-one who knew how to play their characters ever did. Then again, it’s not like that part of the nerf actually has affected any support players, given none of them are going to be buying AP anyway. You’d think though that Riot might want to discourage this type of play, as the gold per ten stacking encourages passive supports, but evidently they don’t see this behaviour as a problem. Fine by me, I’ll just keep stacking up my wards.The changes to Soraka are not only the most extensive, but also the most bizarre. Her heals have been nerfed so hard that you couldn’t put her on a team as the dedicated healer any more. Her damage output is now really, really high though, putting her more into the role that was once filled by Nidalee (RIP Nidalee) on top as a self sustaining mage. Where once you would pick Soraka to be the team’s heal-bot, now she’s better as a nuker and pusher, with a little bit of added sustain thrown in.My own bit of vitriol at the changes is the odd buff Sona has received for her heal to compensate for its lowered effectiveness. The idea is that she’ll enhance whatever auras she has active on the heal’s target while the buff lasts. This was to encourage clutch healing, giving allies more armour, damage and/or movement speed. The problem, however, is that this is Sona. You can’t choose your targets, only go with what the automated system picks for you, so clutch healing is nearly impossible when you know your mage is going to be burst down from full health, yet your half health tank is the only person you can heal. The buff is worthless when it winds up on the wrong target most of the time. This indirect targeting was fine when it was a good heal, since there was rarely a reason not to heal the person with the lowest health, but as a buffing system this is painful.The most likely result of these changes is we’ll simply see a shift away from the characters that relied on healing entirely, and more towards, well, everyone that didn’t get their ability to support nerfed. Alistar’s healing hasn’t been affected, nor Janna’s shield or ultimate, so they’re going to remain top of the support pile. Karma and Kayle might get a chance to shine now, since neither of their support capabilities got hit, but I’m a bit dubious myself. They both require a bit too much gold to be effective, and if there’s one thing you don’t want your support doing, it’s having to farm.To discuss some of the changes yourselves, post in the massive League of Legends thread in the free to play MMOs section. Also look forward to a review of Dominion mode coming up on OnRPG soon. If you haven't tried League of Legends yet, you're missing out.

Deus Ex Human Revolution 'Classified Inf

Square Enix has released a Deus Ex: Human Revolution 'Classified Information' trailer. The tips-driven look at sci-fi title explores how to best approach situations using stealth, combat, social and hacking gameplay, as well as the benefits of using augmentations.It also gives you an overview of the story and key characters you'll encounter. Deus Ex: Human Revolution will be released on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC next month. The UK's Official Xbox Magazine awarded the game a 10/10 review score, while PC Gamer's world first review gave the game a 94% score. Tom Ivan


Xbox Live Chief We Don't Want to Appear

In the throes of the 23-day PlayStation Network Outage, when people were vowing they'd sell their PS3s and go join Xbox Live, Microsoft's most provocative comment was a low-key prediction that it would see more traffic on its service. Yesterday, though, Xbox's senior executive finally said what's bad for the goose is bad for the gander."It's bad for the industry that this has happened to Sony," Dennis Durkin, the chief operating officer of Microsoft's Interactive Entertainment Business, told IndustryGamers. "[W]e don't wish that upon anybody and you've seen we've been actually pretty quiet on the subject because we don't want to appear to even be looking to be taking advantage of somebody else's situation like that. That's just not in our DNA," he said.It's polite and professional, and just plain sensible PR, to not revel in your rivals' multibillion-dollar misfortunes. But what probably inform's Durkin's there-but-for-the-grace-of-God perspective is the fact that Xbox Live is shifting its attention to "the cloud," i.e. to servers that the bad guys can (and, likely, eventually will) attack.So while Durkin says Microsoft does "everything it can to be sure users' data is secure," he did say that "it is the consumer's responsibility also to do a number of things to try to protect their data," such as not using the same password across multiple sites, especially super-important ones. Like Xbox Live.Xbox COO on PSN and Hacking: We Do Everything We Can to Protect Xbox Live Data [Industry Gamers]


Diablo 3 community site is live

Blizzard has pressed the 'Go' button on the Diablo 3 community site. In a welcoming post, Blizzard says: "This will be your sanctuary for all the latest developments from New Tristram and beyond, featuring community forums and regular updates to this blog, where you can post comments and share news items via Twitter, Facebook, and other popular social media outlets." It adds: "You'll want to check out our news feed regularly. We'll use it to share everything about Diablo III and to highlight recent community activity, including your most entertaining videos, art, comics, fansites, and much more."It says that future updates will add a guides section "featuring lore, characters, classes, maps, and more". And Blizzard will frequent the forums too. Non-PC gamers will be pleased to know that the prospect of seeing Diablo 3 release on console got a whole lot more real at Gamescom this week when lead designer Josh Mosqueira emphasized how 'serious' Blizzard is about doing a console version.Link to the new site below. Get on it. Mike Jackson


Aerrevan - Great Ideas, Poor Execution

By Neil Kewn (Murxidon) - OnRPG JournalistI first said I would take on the task of reviewing Aerrevan a few months ago. MMORPGs don’t usually take that long to review, despite being huge games with often gigabytes of content, I just found Aerrevan an impossible game to give an opinion on. Not because of its complexity or depth, but because it just wasn’t finished. Technical issues plagued the game, with random crashes and strange texture issues coupled with some of the strangest animations I have ever seen in an MMO. Instead of dropping off Aerrevan at the nearest Recycle Bin, I did a little more research and discovered that this game actually has a few interesting ideas going for it. This is the kind of MMO I would actually like to play. With news that updates and improvements were hitting soon, I put the game on the virtual shelf for a while, adamant that I would give it another chance. “There has never been a better time to try Aerrevan than now” proclaims an e-mail sent by the developer team just a couple weeks ago. Skimming through the patch notes, a raft of new updates and fixes had in fact hit the game in my absence. Aerrevan is beginning to take shape, with many of the features that we take for granted in most MMOs finally making their debut. It’s an ambitious game from unknown developers CubeForce Media, and one that doesn’t follow a mould. This isn’t a my-first-MMO. It’s a difficult game that requires patience and a willingness to think for yourself. You won’t receive help or guidance on your travels, and new players dropped into the world aren’t led by the hand.MMOs that can be described as “unwelcoming” isolate new players; fortunately Aerrevan doesn’t fall into this trap. Your first order of business is getting to know townsfolk in the starting area. Conversing with NPCs is both drastically more important, and different, in Aerrevan than its peers. Citizens aren’t just placeholders, offering valuable knowledge about the game world, activities and quests. More interesting than that, you can actually speak to NPCs in plain English. Try asking a town guard how they are, or if they have any work for you. You can still click through conversation topics if this isn’t to your liking, but some pieces of information can only be unlocked by speaking to inhabitants.And speaking you will do, as quest givers aren’t labelled in Aerrevan. Gone are the days of skipping quest logs and filling your journal with twenty random tasks, you are encouraged to take part in the world and its lore. This isn’t at all surprising given the game’s target audience of role-players, tired of the more simplistic MMOs on the market. Naturally the lore and narrative of Lurris is one of the major attractions to role-players, and intelligent NPCs add depth to the story in a way you may not have experienced before. If you’re not a huge role-player, you may find Aerrevan’s methods and mechanics an unnecessary extra step in achieving what is fundamentally the essence of any MMO – Experience. Like the quest system and NPCs, this concept game shakes things up by doing away with class selection. All of the skills are available to you and what you specialize in is your decision. This lack of structure has its advantages and disadvantages (most notably balancing), but it offers a lot of freedom with character progression.Both traditional weapons and magic can be used in combat, combat which is hindered by poor hit detection and unresponsive controls. This isn’t aided by awkward and stifled animations, making battles against the admittedly well-detailed and varied enemies a chore. The inclusion of Aer, a mystical essence that plays a large part in the game’s narrative, is an interesting mechanic that can also have an effect on your character’s attributes. Aer can provide bonuses in combat but may also prove to be a serious ailment if exposed too heavily to the areas and enemies that are infected, resulting in mutations.Player versus player combat isn’t primarily between the three races of Lurris (Humans, Orcs and Elves), but between which of the Great Mages players choose to align themselves with. Guilds fight to control contested points in the world, with rival factions battling to take leadership of them. Aerrevan is developed using an entirely new engine known as AERCore, developed in-house by CubeForce Media themselves. It is very much a work in progress and this is reflected in-game. Stability has improved dramatically since launch, but technical issues are still a common occurrence and at times it can make Aerrevan a very frustrating game to play. This is never more apparent when walking up stairs. The good news is that patches are still being pushed out at startling regularity.It’s easy to forget that Aerrevan is, all things considered, a released game. It went live in April of this year and is supported by premium accounts and an item store. A premium account unlocks more character slots (currently free players can only create one character) and a higher level cap, whilst the store offers in-game potions, equipment and some skills for a price.Aerrevan is a game filled with good ideas but lacks a decent enough execution to realize them. It’s an awkward, unfinished game that puts a lot of its potential to waste. It’s easy to underappreciate exactly what has been achieved here though, given that the developers are a small independent company, and I’m glad they are determined to shape and mould this game into a title worthy of the great ideas they have.CubeForce Media are working hard to improve things, and improvements are what Aerrevan needs to survive. It may be nowhere near as unplayable as it was at launch, but there is still a long way to go before this game can be considered anything other than a test release. It’s changing rapidly, but can it grow into that “quaint MMO that fills a niche in an increasingly overpopulated market” that it should be?Graphics - 2Controls - 3Features - 4Customization - 2Community - 3


Diablo 3 Collector's Edition Revealed --



Starcraft 2 Journey to Diamond League Wk6

By Mohammad Abubakr, OnRPG JournalistIf you missed any of the previous weeks in my journey to diamond league, check out the Starcraft II review section. (http://www.onrpg.com/MMO/Starcraft-II/reviews) This week things get exciting as Season 3 has finally opened up and my chance to be placed higher than bronze is up for grabs!Games played: 12 Initial Rank: Unranked Final Rank: Silver - 34 Win/Loss: 6/6Week six began with the first day of Season 3. The ladder was finally unlocked and I could now get out of bronze. At the beginning of each new season, all players must play one placement match. This match decides which league you will start in for season 3 based on your MMR (match-making rating).I was very nervous for my placement match because I did not want to get placed into bronze again. I knew I had to win. I was pleased to see my opponent playing the Protoss race because I find I can win against Terran and Protoss most of the time. I have a lot of trouble facing other Zerg players.I opened the game with my usual opening, 14 gas 14 pool and expanded at 21. Since I just booted up Starcraft on my new PC, I forgot to change my game settings. Doing this in the middle of the game caused me to open up a bank account early on, I had so many unused minerals. This made me think I was going to lose but I remembered the average bronze/silver players are not very good at macro so I still had a chance.I was very lucky that I scouted his hidden void rays because I quickly set up spore crawlers, made extra queens and a hyrdralisk den. While I did lose my expansion because my forces were not ready, I did manage to hold off the aggression at my main base. Afterwards, I continued to make roaches and hydralisks and was able to overrun his base with the help of more workers. I was placed into Silver League!My first game in my new division did not go very well. I got matched up against a Zerg and knew I was in trouble; my ZvZ history thus far is dismal. My opponent did an early roach rush and I was unable to hold. I wasn’t defeated outright but I fell really far behind. I tried my best to catch up but I did not have the income to keep up and was forced to concede.Even after hearing a lot about the "Protoss Death ball", I let my Protoss enemy macro. This death ball is described to be almost unbeatable by a Zerg player unless the Protoss has bad control. While Zergs have the ability to amass large armies quickly, their maxed out army is not as strong as a maxed Protoss army.Unlike most Protoss players I have faced, my opponent did not attack early on. He simply waited until his army was maxed out and marched towards my base. I should have continued to apply pressure to end the game quicker. It is not a good idea to let your opponent produce a massive army without punishing him. I was unable to hold his maxed army with my maxed army and was forced to concede. However, I think I might have stood a chance if I had more infestors to mind control his colossi.The following game was quite weird. I was under the assumption that my Terran opponent was far ahead because I was floating a lot of minerals. It turns out that his macro was worse than mine. He had a lot of production buildings but was unable to support all of them on one base. I overran his base because he had nothing to defend it with.My next Terran opponent was not as bad. He continued to use medivacs to drop marines into my base. While I was able to hold off for a little bit, I really needed mutalisks out to prevent the medivacs from freely roaming the map. I did put down a spire but I forgot to build mutalisks. Oops.The next day I was matched up against a Zerg opponent. Since this was my worse matchup, I was scared of losing but was excited that to test some of my new tactics. I watched the GSL (Global Star League) finals between Nestea and Losira, both Zerg players, and learned some new tricks to help me. I was amazed at how many drones Nestea was able to produce before an army. This series helped me understand that I do not need an army really early if I continue to scout so I continued to expand my economy like Nestea and eventually overran my opponent. He continued to apply pressure but I was able to hold because of spine crawlers. Really looking forward to GSL August!I am just happy that I got into silver league this week. Hopefully I will find more time to play many SCII games or getting into gold may take a while. I will continue to watch the pros play to learn some new builds and tricks and hopefully improve my play.If there are any suggestions or feedback about this series, please let me know on the OnRPG forums (http://www.onrpg.com/boards/) @ Abubakr (http://www.onrpg.com/boards/member-abubakr.html). Alternatively you may message me in Starcraft II (Abubakr, 109).


Dishonored Screenshot Gallery Amazing Ol

DishonoredNews (4)Previews (2)ReviewVideos (1)Screenshots (7)Cheats and WalkthroughsDishonoredNews (4)Previews (2)ReviewVideos (1)Screenshots (7)Cheats and WalkthroughsDishonoredNews (4)Previews (2)ReviewVideos (1)Screenshots (7)Cheats and Walkthroughs When Arkane Studios' and Bethesda's first-person action game Dishonored was announced a few weeks ago, everyone at G4 had a collective freak-out; the combination of Bethesda, a stealth action game and Steampunk-inspired alternative history visuals had us totally on-board. Since then, we've all been slavering for even the smallest detail. Today, we have screenshots.Enjoy this Dishonored screenshot gallery for a look into a game we absolutely can't wait to play.


First picture of new 3DS circle pad

Japanese gaming magazine Famitsu has revealed the first image of a peripheral that adds a second circle pad and set of shoulder buttons to 3DS. The picture backs up previous rumours that Nintendo is set to turn the 3DS into a twin-stick device with the release of a first-party peripheral.A Nintendo UK spokesperson told Edge: "We can confirm that Nintendo does plan to release the attachment but that any further announcements on the attachment will be made at some later time by Nintendo."Nintendo has announced plans to hold a "Nintendo 3DS new product announcement conference" in Japan on September 13. Tom Pakinkis


Deus Ex Human Revolution Overhyped or wo

You've seen the monster review scores and a week of gold and black advertising has probably left you feeling a little bit queasy. But now that the critically acclaimed Deus Ex: Human Revolution is finally in your disc tray, we want to know what YOU think of the long-awaited and hugely hyped sci-fi reboot.Does Square Enix's RPG justify those 10/10 review scores plastered all over cyberspace? Does it live up the incredibly high expectations set by the original (which has been called 'The Best Game Ever')? Or is it just a bit overhyped?As always let us know in the comments section below and we'll pick out the best reader opinions for a follow-up article next week.Check out our full review round-up to see what everyone thinks of the reboot and our price round-up if you're interested in picking it up on the cheap. Andy Robinson


Marvel Pinball Vengeance And Virtue X-Me

Marvel PinballNews (3)Previews (1)ReviewVideos (11)Screenshots (4)Cheats and WalkthroughsMarvel PinballNews (3)Previews (1)ReviewVideos (11)Screenshots (4)Cheats and Walkthroughs Check out this awesome trailer for the Marvel Pinball: Vengeance and Virtue X-Men table.The X-Men have to face their arch-nemesis, Magneto, in a heated battle of pinball. I'm hardly a scientist, and I think we can agree that no one knows how magnets work, but don't you think Magneto would have an unfair advantage here? Marvel Pinball "X-Men" Trailer »


PC CHART Deus Ex Human Revolution unfaz

Square Enix's Deus Ex: Human Revolution takes the top spot on the UK PC sales chart for the second week running. Below it there are very few changes from last week - The Sims 3: Generations, The Sims 3, Football Manager 2011 and The Sims Medieval all hold their ground at No.2, No.3, No.4 and No.5 respectively.The little activity there is on this week's chart comes courtesy of Blizzard's World of Warcraft: Cataclysm, which moves up one place to No.6, making room for The Sims Medieval: Pirates and Nobles to debut at No.7.The Sims 3: Late Night, StarCraft 2: Wings of Liberty and Portal 2 round off the top ten.Here's the full top ten for the week ended September 3:01. Deus Ex: Human Revolution (Square Enix)02. The Sims 3: Generations (EA)03. The Sims 3 (EA)04. Football Manager 2011 (Sega)05. The Sims Medieval (EA)06. World of Warcraft: Cataclysm (Blizzard)07. The Sims Medieval: Pirates and Nobles (EA)08. The Sims 3: Late Night (EA)09. StarCraft 2: Wings of Liberty (Blizzard)10. Portal 2 (Valve)Check out the official UK All Formats games chart here.Leisure software charts compiled by Chart Track, (C)2011 UKIE Ltd Tamoor Hussain


id has 'definitely struggled' with consol

id has told CVG that it has "struggled" with input latency on console during the development of Rage - but that the game is now running "really fast" on all systems.The studio's multi-format breakneck FPS, due for release in October, has been build using its pride and joy, id Tech 5.And according to id's creative director Tim Willits, the engine has helped iron out issues with trying to get the game up to speed on Xbox 360 and PS3."Even developing Rage, we've worked on consoles and there's actually lots of latency in the controllers you don't have on the keyboard and mouse, he said. "We've definitely struggled with that, but we've made it as fast as we can make it." Willits believes that Rage has been made in the "id spirit" that spawned classics like Quake and Doom, but that id Tech 5 has added special twists. He explained that the engine allows id to paint each object in the world separately - leading to diverse environments."It's true multi-platform technology," he added. "Historically we made a great PC game and we had to cut it all up on console. That isn't the case with id Tech 5. It runs really fast, 60hz on all the systems. It's fluid, responsive - and it looks beautiful." Tim Ingham


The PlayStation Network Should be Fully A

Sony just announced that the PSN, down since April in the wake of an attack by hackers, will be fully restored (for most regions) by the end of the week.The only regions where it won't be 100% back will be Japan, Hong Kong, and South Korea.For everyone else, that means the following suite of PSN services should be back up and running by Friday:- Full functionality on PlayStation®Store- In-game commerce- Ability to redeem vouchers and codes- Full functionality on Music Unlimited powered by Qriocity for PS3, PSP, VAIO and other PCs- Full functionality on Media GoPlayStation boss Kaz Hirai says in a statement "We have been conducting additional testing and further security verification of our commerce functions in order to bring the PlayStation Network completely back online so that our fans can again enjoy the first class entertainment experience they have come to love.""We appreciate the patience and support shown during this time."


Just Dance 3 Kinect trailer ditches contr

We always thought it a bit silly to flair all your limbs around in Just Dance when it's only actually detecting what the Wii Remote is doing. But Just Dance 3 will be different. We'll still feel like plonkers playing a dancing game made for girls and grandmas, but at least this one - having been confirmed for Xbox 360 - will track our entire bodies via the all-seeing eye of Kinect. This trailer shows off how the game looks and works on MS' motion-sensing peripheral. Just Dance 3 is the first game in the series to go multiplatform following the first two Wii-exclusives, and will use Move on PS3 and Kinect on Xbox 360. It's out on October 11.


Driver multiplayer access to remain free

Ubisoft has told CVG that its decision to waive the previously announced online pass fee for Driver: San Francisco is a permanent, worldwide move. Beginning with Driver, copies of the publisher's "popular core games" were supposed to ship with a valid one-time code required to access multiplayer features, meaning second-hand buyers would have to pay to get in on the action.However, incorrectly printed Uplay Passport codes in some copies of the game have forced Ubisoft to rethink its strategy. The content is now free worldwide, "doesn't expire and is available on Xbox and PS3", a spokesperson said."We wanted to make you aware of an issue with copies of Driver: San Francisco," Ubisoft added in a statement. "Due to a printing error on the insert of some copies of Driver: San Francisco in North America, Ubisoft has elected to provide the Driver Uplay Passport content for free."Although this problem does not affect players outside of North America, we have decided to mirror this offer to everyone in the world in order to be fair to all our players."Yesterday, Ubisoft detailed the first DLC updates for Driver: San Francisco. It's to release 12 new routes for all online modes on September 15 free of charge. Following that, it'll launch another free route each week for the following ten weeks. Tom Ivan



Trmths my first review so bare with me... this one is complicated because it really is not your standard MMORPG...

Concept - 7/10: The concept is awsome, Playing in ancient china with shaolin monk style fighters is rmtatersting change to all the full frontal tanker style fighters you see in most games nowadays which in my opinion is very westernized... however you can still see some elements of games which have already been about Xiah style assassins and swordsman...(the monk idea is nice although he's stupidly fat)

Graphics - 5/10: Half of me says yes these are good graphics for a game like this (free MMORPG)...when you stand and look at your surroundings you can really see that alot of thought has gone into the making of the environments. From close up your character looks very nicely done and realistic altough when you zoom out it seems to go kinda blotchy looking. Now the other half of me thinks something is right when I look into things with more depth... when your character runs he looks like hes late for something. When he then comes face to face with the animals, which are actually real life friendly little critters from your back yard you come to realize they're all infected with the mad cow disease... you even attack stiffed up, I won't even go on about how the animals react!

Community - 3/10: What? Who? Why? When? Where?... The 3for the site itself wich is very helpful and hintful and for once even stated what the stat modifiers are and what use each avatar has...
i. Warrior : Long sword, Axe, Spear.
ii. Assassin : Bow, Claw, dagger.
iii. Mage : Sword, Fighting fan, Gauntlet.
iv. Monk : Staff, Maul, Flying Wheel.
1) Strength: Determines physical attack strength.
2) Dexterity: Determines hit rate and speed.
3) Constitution: Determines defense and life force.
4) Agility: Determines movement, attack speed, and critical hits.
5) Intelligence: Determines mana force..

Sound - 7/10thing special...special effects and combat noises were kinda lame.Lag - 9/10: Basically none at all (from my personal gaming experience.)

Gameplay & Evaluatio6/10: I know i've been kind of harsh here but there really is one more thing to add... the interface has to be the most un-user friendly piece of work i've ever encountered...seriously it took me ages to get the hang of the basics, so much stuff i dont even know what is all about now and i got to lvl 19 before quitting completely! For experienced RPGers this is a good one to try for a little change but i cant see any one who has gotten very involved with Xiah or KalOnline getting addicted to this... for people who have just come from the likes of Runescape this is the one for you.


XBOX CHART Black Ops makes storming come

Treyarch's Call Of Duty: Black Ops has enjoyed a spectacular boost in the official weekly UK Xbox 360 chart following recent price promotions and the release of the Rezurrection map. The title leaps 14 places to No.3 on this week's list, only being pipped by new entries Rugby World Cup 2011 in No.2 and Deus Ex: Human Revolution in top spot.Check out the full gFk-ChartTrack / UKIE Xbox chart below for the week ending August 27.Deus Ex also this morning took top spot in the official All Formats UK games chart.1) DEUS EX: HUMAN REVOLUTION (Square Enix)2) RUGBY WORLD CUP 2011 (505 Games)3) CALL OF DUTY: BLACK OPS (Activision)4) DIRT 3 (Codemasters)5) ASSASSIN'S CREED: BROTHERHOOD (Ubisoft)6) BRINK (Bethesda)7) LEGO PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN (Disney)8) BATTLEFIELD: BAD COMPANY 2 (EA)9) ZUMBA FITNESS (505 Games)10) CALL OF JUAREZ: THE CARTEL (Ubisoft)11) HALO: REACH (Microsoft)12) FIFA 11 (EA)13) RED DEAD REDEMPTION (Rockstar)14) HOMEFRONT (THQ)15) L.A. NOIRE (Rockstar)16) SKATE 3 (EA)17) UFC PERSONAL TRAINER (THQ)18) KINECT SPORTS (Microsoft)19) LEGO STAR WARS III: THE CLONE WARS (LucasArts)20) PORTAL 2 (EA) CVG Staff


Dark Souls, Resident Evil, PES 2012 confi

September's GAMEfest show at the Birmingham NEC continues to extend its list of exhibitors with Capcom, Codemasters, Konami and Namco all being added to the line-up. Each publisher will be giving GAME customers the chance to go hands-on with their latest upcoming titles. Capcom will be showing a total of five new releases including Street Fighter X Tekken, Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City, Dragon's Dogma, Asura's Wrath and Dead Rising 2: Off the Record.Codies will bring F1 2011 to the table, while Konami's set to showcase PES 2011, Silent Hill Downpour, Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker on PS3 and El Shaddai.Namco Bandai is taking five titles to GAMEfest in the form of Dark Souls, Ace Combat: Assault Horizon, Ridge Racer: Unbounded, Ben 10: Galactic Racing and Inversion.The four newcomers join the likes of Activision, Nintendo, Ubisoft, THQ, Sega, Bethesda and EA at GAMEfest, whilst both Microsoft and Sony have signed up as headline sponsors.GAMEfest will run from the September 16-18, 2011 at the Birmingham NEC, with the retail chain promising attendees will be able to "play the most anticipated titles of the year before anyone else".Tickets cost £10 for anyone aged 12 or over and £5 for anyone under 12. They can be purchased from www.game.co.uk/gamefest.To buy tickets, would-be attendees must own a GAME reward card, which can be grabbed via game.co.uk or at any GAME store. Tom Pakinkis


Harvest Moon Tale of Two Towns dated for

Natsume has confirmed that the DS version of Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns will be out in US on September 20. The game was originally announced to be released on both DS and 3DS vermtrs simultaneously, but no mention of the 3DS version's release was made in the announcement, hinting at a possible delay. Tale of Two Towns is the latest game in long-running farming sim, having released in Japan on DS in July last year. This one tells the story of two once friendly towns who are now locked in a feud over which town has better food. As the new man in town, gamers pick a town to live in (the eatern-influenced Konohaha, or the European-style BlueBell Town) before partaking in the usual farm-raising activities you expect from the series while integrating into a new life in a new society, contributing to festivals and maybe even finding a way to bring the towns back together. Mike Jackson



Dragon Quest X subscription fee confirmed

Square Enix has confirmed that users will need to fork out an additional fee to play the newly-announced Dragon Quest X. The game's announcement earlier this week for Wii and Wii U hinted at the need to pay for its online connectivity, but nothing firm was said on the matter during Square's big reveal in Japan. A new FAQ on the publisher's official Japanese site has, however, now confirmed: "Yes, if you connect to online play [you] will be required to pay the additional fee," as translated by Google. Now, considering it's an 'Online RPG' you will have no choice but to go online to play. Apparently only the 'first few hours' can be played offline, after which you'll need to connect to the online servers. As 1Up notes, however, a similar system was adopted by Monster Hunter Tri, but the fee was only charged in Japan - western releases skippermtd subscription fee. So you can only hope that Square decide against a paid service outside of Japan or you'll be reaching for the piggy bank to keep up your quest. Mike Jackson



Oz World

This game is totaly cool. You can gain money by buying gold in the site or frmtig. The population of this game is very small but friendly. It is 3d, and for me its better than Sims online. You can build house and dress up. It has an anime feeling on it. Its english and the community speaks english too. The npcs are like the ones in Final Fantasy 8.

The sounds?? Very cool! It even has day/night modes and sometimes snow. IT IS FREE!



Half-Life star mentions Valve's 'new game

Voice actress Ellen McLain - the classically trained opera singer behind Portal's GlaDOS - is set to lend her talents to a mysterious new game from Valve. That's according to the Tweet teases of her husband and fellow Valve voice actor John Lowrie better known as Team Fortress 2's Sniper - and various villains in the Half-Life series.Lormtwrevealed on the social networking site that the voice of GlaDOS "is going in Tuesday for a new game and more Portal work."Of course it's already known that Portal 2's set to see a free add-on pack with new test chambers, but unless McLain is also working on DoTA 2 here other half may have outed work on something secret.Ellen has previously worked as the voice of the Overwatch in Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2: Episode One and Half-Life 2: Episode Two.She also supplied the voice of the announcer in the now free-to-play Team Fortress 2... but that doesn't count as a "new game", does it?What do you reckon it could be friends?



Runescape II - F2P (Second Opinion)

Runescape has changed alotrmt e the last review, that's why I'm writing this.-------Gameplay - 7 - The battle system is waaay too slow, not enough quests for F2P. All the abilities are great!------Graphics - 6 - A little blockly, not much detail, but hey, it's a java game!------Sound - 7 - Music is great, I mean it, but the sound affects aren't very catchy-----Replay Value - 8 - It has a great replay value, but some poeple just quit playing it-----Reviewers Tilt - 9 - I just love this game!------BASIC SCORE - 8.0------TOTAL SCORE - 7.9

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